22 April 2012

Dear Pa

It's nearly been 1 year.
1 whole year of you been up in Heaven.
It's been hard to get used to.
Not hearing "put it there if it weighs half a brick"
"how do you do"
Not saying "I'm going to see Nan & Pa"
instead, walking out the front door & 5 metres to Nan's unit attached to our house.

I thought I'd be better now.
But the past week has been hard.
I was so nervous for your memorial.
I didn't know what to expect, what to feel.

Getting through Christmas & Easter without you was hard.
But, I guess it will only get easier.
I'm nervous for Tuesday.
1 whole year.
Wednesday 25th April
ANZAC Day, you would of been 71.

I still can't believe you're gone.
I guess I thought if I didn't believe you were gone, that maybe one day you'd come back.

Dad misses you a lot.
I can see the sadness in his eyes.
It upsets me.
I don't cry in front of Dad.
I don't want to let him see that I am struggling.
I don't want Mum & Dad to worry.

Nan misses you too.
I try to catch up with her every time I come up.
On Tuesday Dad & I are taking her out for morning tea or something.

I am getting a bit teary writing this.
I need to though.
I feel like I can't speak to anyone about my feelings.
Chris fully understands what I am going through, but for some reason I don't wanna talk to him.
I guess I worry about bringing up the same feelings for him.
It's unfair.

Well, I guess I should try & get some sleep.

I love you Pa.

1 comment:

  1. Ash, if you ever need to talk, I know how it feels. Just always remember that he is watching over you and guiding you with everything you do! Keep smiling! :)
